Help End World Hunger
As Poker Players, and part of a Poker Online Community, we feel strongly that we are also responsible in helping certain causes. One of these causes is helping World Hunger. There is simply way to much starvation in our World today, and we simply can’t sit and do nothing.
As a Poker site, we dedicate a great deal of our time helping Poker Players choose online Poker Rooms to play on, and enjoy the benefits of some of our free poker cash deals. Yet there are millions of people starving each and everyday. People from all over the World are dying due to starvation and we simply can’t do nothing to promote the end of this tragic occurrence.
In an ongoing effort we have decided to participate in certain causes that will try and help solve some of the crises we face as a World today. Hunger is certainly at the top of our list. We have come across a program that we see as a value to this cause. is a site that will donate rice to the Worlds Hungry, just by you playing their game, on their website. This is a tremendous way for you to help. Visit their site, and visit often. Not only will it help you, but each time you visit and play, rice will be donated to feed someone.
Moving forward, we will monitor how much traffic flows from our website to theirs, and if we see people are really interested in this cause, we will develop a new promotion which will allow all our members to be apart of, where as a group site we can donate money to this wonderful cause.
Please take the time to visit that site, and visit often. If you would like to find out more on our thoughts please email us for information.
Visit Free Rice today!