Short Stack Strategy
While we give out no deposit bonuses to all new players who are interested in building their poker careers, we have noticed some very common mistakes, and those mistakes always seem to fit the same pattern. First if your a player say for example who got a free Titan or Tony G bankroll you will get $25 dollars. Sure this is nice, and its great to get a free $25. But why stop there? So many players will sit at a table with the full $25 and take a shot. Most will go bust! This is what we don’t want for our players. We want players to be able to play well, and get the bonuses they deserve. Therefore in order to get the next level of bonuses, you will need to be patient, take our time and play smaller stakes.
One of the best methods, we noticed is when our players have either played small sit and goes , or used a short stack strategy. of most of the players who use these 2 approaches, almost all of them have been able to secure more bonuses, and good cash outs from the poker sites. We suggest you do the same thing. Play small, relax, and use bankroll management . The money will come, and for sure will we give allot more bonuses when you clear the points needed.
Videos are a great way to help players, and we are working on our own library for poker videos, but we did see a great video we did want to share with you all. This video explains the basics of short stack strategy and gives you the player an understanding of how to use the principles to be a winning player.
This video is from the website Poker Professor and they get full credit for a fine video.
Following the principles of the video is the first step in building your poker bankroll. We have used this system many times, and it has never failed, it always works. Just be patient, take your time, and simply follow the rules, and in no time your bankroll will increase to a significant level.
Once you have done this, and have a nice solid bankroll, we advise to switch to Sit and Goes. You must have at least 20 buy ins to play at a certain level, but by doing this we think you will have an edge, and have a better chance of winning, without getting to much taken from you in terms of rake.
Although we like to see you rake, we would rather you be a good player who plays along time, then a player who raked allot and busted out early. So try these methods out, watch the video, and when you get your bankroll, try them out. Even if you do not get a free bankroll, make a small deposit, it won’t hurt. Invest a little bit to your career, and see how you can do. We know this works and have many players who do. Even we do this method, and we post in our blog. Playing on Bwin for example for use is great as we keep winning the 5.50 sit and goes.
Remember: Short Stack Strategy then Sit and Goes! A profitable system. Good Luck