Luck3 Poker and Casino Scam Online Community
With great regret we must inform all our players and the Poker Community that Luck3 Poker are a scam. Yes that is right. They are scammers. Not only did that not pay their own staff wages for at least 2 months based on inside sources who worked with them, but they also have also not paid affiliates who send them players.
There are some reports of players not able to cash out as well and we strongly urge everyone to PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM LUCK3 POKER AND CASINO. They are not honoring any debts they incurred and Cake Poker Network has turned off their poker site. They do however still run a casino platform and are still taking bets from players.
Much more news on this can be seen in the following threads online below :–luck3–poker–may–shutting–down–t2753.html–poker–warning.html–luck3–blacklisted–rogue–operators–running–loose.html–going–belly–up–189827.html
Please play safe and avoid these rogues at all costs. You will lose your money!