Huge Bankroll Boost RedKings Promotion
Along with our traditional RedKings promotions and their generous offerings of huge bonuses, they have included a special offer for our Canadian Poker Players. All Canadian Players will get a free $30 when they deposit only $30 initially and get $60 in their bonus account.
All Canadian Players Get this Exclusive Promotion
Non Canadian Players click here for Special Bonuses
That is right all Canadian will be allowed to have this promotion, so check it out now. We still have room for more before we pull this deal. Its an extremely good deal for players who want to seriously build their poker bankroll and play smart.
Lets put it this way, it only cost you $30USD dollars to deposit and you will immediately get $60 right away. Free poker cash right into your account no questions asked. You will also get $60 added to your pending account and released at 900 player points which can be done within a few days to 1 week if you play 25 cent 50 cent games. Plus you get 20 – $100 dollar freerolls at one per week. This is just a great promotion for players not wanting to risk to much money yet have the chance to cash in big.
They have games going on 24/7 around clock and it is our recommendation that you play either their sit and goes or play limit poker. First you cut your risk of going broke fast. And also if you are serious player wanting to make a bankroll these games are very easy to beat. The limit players and sit and goes players on Redkings play like fish in our opinion, and you should be able to clear your bonus rather quick.
Here’s the best part, the free $30 you get for making a deposit is absolutely free. The only qualification is you build your bankroll and get 900 player points to clear all your bonus points. At 1000 points your free to cash out freely. We have tested this bonus and were able to clear 100 points per day playing mainly limit games and sit and goes. So on average we guess 1 week for most players.
So give it a try and remember its only available to Canadian Poker Players. Please sign up now.
Canadians visit RedKings and get your free $30